Hello, this is my last challenge in the subject ICTCLIL in my master. In this new adventure I need to create a presentation of all
the things that I learned during this four month. You can see the video, if you
want to know all the challenges that I need to pass in this subject.
I have been able to learn many different things about
ICT, besides I can work whit others classmate and I can work alone. I discovered
an amazing tool that I can use in the class, Genially, Prezi, Powtoon, iMovie,
Piktochat, Storify…. In addition, when I worked in group (Ruben, Ana, Laura,Xuemei, Gabriela) I could learn new things and how to use these tools faster,
they help me a lot and we work together all the time.
In my opinion, my favorite tool is iMovie, with this
resource you can create a little presentation within a short time. You have the
possibility to choose a template and you only need to put picture and fill the
gaps with the information and you have a presentation in 5 minute.
Also, to my
mind, I think that Powtoon is one of the most amazing tools for learners; it is
very attractive because students watch cartoons with movement, and pictures
with music.
This challenge give me a good opportunity to think about
the world of the ICT in education has to become more usable in class. The learners
need to use the ICT in class and interact with the new technology. It is necessary
to adapt to the new times, for this reasons, teachers need to renew their ICT
skills and change their thinking.
What do you think? Do you think that ICT in school is
the future?...